Wednesday, January 19, 2011

To Educate or not to educate?

All the activism, leftism, patriotism, burning self(ism) and Tunism aside, I would like to tackle an issue from a certain angle, the issue of weather or not a revolution can arise in Egypt.

I say no. Why?

Because as far as I know, It’s the educated middle class sector of the society who are actually able to think of, plan and organize a revolution. But, also as far as I know, around 54% of the egyptian population is below “poverty line” or whatever  they call it. Which means more than half of the population, which means that the middle class is less than half of the population (obviously). Hence, in order to organize a ligit revolution, a huge number of the people under poverty line need to be educated in a way that sets their minds towards that (i.e. some sort of manipulative brain washing); and the only ones who would educate them are the so called activists of the middle class (i.e. organizing committee) of the revolution.
And the possibility of this I highly doubt.

I’m not being a pessimist… again, I’m a realist.

والله ولي التوفيق



  1. I thought the revolution would begin in Egypt before Tunisia, but you raise some good points as to why it didn't...where's the activist leadership in Egypt??

  2. this is not tackling the issue from a different angle, this is tackling an entirely different issue.
    whatever happened to your decision not to talk about politics?

  3. this is not politics... this is common sense

  4. well, why not to educate?
    i suppose....

    oh, i awarded you with an award =)
