Saturday, August 08, 2009


"Hope is a belief in a positive outcome related to events and circumstances in one's life. Hope is the feeling that what is wanted can be had or that events will turn out for the best. Hopefulness is somewhat different from optimism in that hope is an emotional state, whereas optimism is a conclusion reached through a deliberate thought pattern that leads to a positive attitude."

"Hope is the thing with feathers
That perches in the soul.
And sings the tune
Without the words,
and never stops at all."
- Emily Dickinson

I am a man of desire, a man of passion, a man filled with emotions, not the gay ones, but real emotions.
I have a heart so big, it can fit the whole world, literally.
I hate to hate, i sometimes do, but then i realise that hating is foolish, and i'm not a fool.
I am a man of love, and love is not easy, be it loving your family, your friends or your partner, it's a tough job. Yes, job!
Most of all, I am a man of hope.

Hope is my fuel, my ammunition, my shield against the world and enemies such as pessimism and despair, sadness and loss.

I hope for good days to come
I hope for happiness

I hope for clarity
I hope for faith
I hope for answers to unanswered questions
I hope for gratefulness and gratitude
I hope for hope
I hope for beauty
I hope for laughter and sincere giggles
I hope for success
I hope for self achievement
I hope for small things that make me happy
I hope for understanding
I hope for love
and i hope for more love

I'm not greedy neither am I selfish, I'm hoping for fairness, the world has to be fair to me because I've always been fair to the world.

I don't need sympathy or pity
I'm a persistant man

because i'm hopeful

and i love

i love and will keep loving

till the day i die

"Never deprive someone of hope; it might be all they have." - H. Jackson Brown Jr.

"Hope is only the love of life." - Henri-Frédéric Amiel

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