Tuesday, August 18, 2009


Two years now

Felt like a decade.

The amount of feelings throughout the two years.

The amount of experiences, tears and laughter. (in need of laughter)

The discoveries, good and bad, self discoveries and otherwise.

One thing remains the same, inside me, it won't go despite the solid reasons for it to go. It just won't. Because it's too strong, stronger than her sugarless coffee that makes her breath smell like the best coffee place you could ever imagine. One that invites you to a journey, a life journey.

I am not home, physically, mentally and emotionally. And I long to be back. Home is where it all started, where the cocoon developed into a pretty butterfly.

My longing for home and the feeling that it's close by, makes me feel relatively happy. But deep inside I know I could have been happier, would have been, should have been.

I am a sea of forgiveness
A land of hope
A sky of purity
The end of the rope

I'm coming home
Would I find open doors,
arms spread out wide,
and smooth floors?

Sometimes things happen that you cannot control, no matter how hard you try. Eventually, ride smoothly, without pressing on the engine too much, and the car takes you to your destination, a bit late, but it takes you there.

I'm a dreamer

I had a dream

and I would like to see it happen

Because I deserve it.

P.S. You was/are the light of my eyes.... happy 2 :)

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